salmon-nuts-seeds-and-oils   Step 1. Improve immunity

Sit in the sun in the morning for 10 minutes (no sunblock), eyes shut and underside of forearms exposed to the sun.

Top 10 Vitamin D Rich Foods

1) Sunlight

Promotes vitamin D synthesis from cholesterol in the skin.

2) Cod liver oil 3) Sardines 4) Salmon 5) Mackerel 6) Tuna 7) Raw Milk 8) Caviar 9) Eggs 10) Mushrooms

Step 2.

Remove all added sugar from the diet.  Avoid processed, packaged foods.

coloured-smoothieA morning smoothie high in anti-oxidants

You will need to buy the following for your pantry

Matcha Green Tea powder

Cacao powder

Ginger powder

Cinnamonium cassia powder (cinnamon)

Fresh lemons



Blend together a teaspoon each of the dry ingredients with the juice of a lemon and a tablespoon of chopped parsley and mint in a blender with a glass of water until smooth and drink on an empty stomach.

You may also add frozen berries to this mix, high anti-oxidant value.
Also some herbal teas

Nerada organic Hibiscus and lemongrass

Nerada organic Peppermint

Nerada organic Chamomile

Nerada organic lemon & ginger.

These teas aid digestion, and are high in anti-oxidants.

Step 4.

Keep well hydrated with at least 8 glasses of water (herbal teas count in there)

Step 5.

You will need

Quarter red cabbage, 1 apple, 4 sticks of celery, bunch of mint, bunch of parsley, handful of baby spinach, half a cucumber, a tomato. You may also add capsicum, grated carrot, or any other raw veggies you  like.
Rocket is also a great addition, along with such greens as Kale.12278949_1167731179905099_564309466216815380_n

Juice of 2 -3 lemons


Beetroot, either baked and chopped or tinned drained and chopped.

Finely chop all the fresh ingredients and mix together in a large container.  Add the beetroot and top with the lemon juice.  This will store in the fridge and keep because of the lemon.

Have at least one bowl daily of the salad. Add half an avocado and mix it through when you are ready to eat the bowl of salad.  You may also add hard- boiled egg, a tin of tuna, or you may prefer to have some cold meat such as chopped chicken or beef, whichever may be your preference. You might like to add a handful of olives.

Have a piece of fruit for morning and afternoon tea with a few nuts.


parsleyBunch of chopped parsley, Bunch of Chopped mint, Juice of two lemons, 2 crushed cloves of garlic, 2 tomatoes chopped, Cup of cooked Buckwheat Kernels

Pink salt to taste.

Mix altogether and have with your meals.  Filling and high anti-oxidant and anti-bacterial.