Pyrrole disorder
Sleeplessness, irritability, difficulty in handling stress, “pot belly”, unable to remember dreams, poor concentration are commonly seen in people with Pyrrole Disorder

Pyrrole disorder is a genetic and therefore, some of these symptoms may be seen in other family members. Symptoms may be moderate to severe and may manifest in any number of combinations, therefore it is difficult to ascertain without a test.
Often seen with food sensitivities, food allergens can also affect the treatment of Pyrrole disorder, therefore an individually tailored nutritional plan is paramount.
Research has shown that many individuals with a clinical diagnosis of Bipolar disorder are actually suffering with biochemical pyrrole disorder and the symptoms are seen to be very similar especially in those with rapid cycling bipolar disorder. People with this disorder will often complain that their current allopathic medication is not working, again!
Some common signs and symptoms
• abnormal fat distribution larger midsection
• allergies
• anxiety
• auditory processing disorder
• cravings for sugar or high carbohydrate foods
• delayed onset of puberty, irregular menses or amenorrhoea
• fatigue
• frequent infections
• hyperactivity
• hypoglycaemia and or glucose intolerance
• impotence
• insomnia
• intolerance to bright light, oud noises and strong smells
• irritable bowel syndrome
• joint pain, creaking knees, cold hands and feet even in warm weather
• low stress tolerance
• mood swings, vary from explosive anger, tantrums, aggressive, argumentative, irritability to depression, pessimism or disorganisation
• motion sickness
• overcrowded teeth (often upper jaw) and poor tooth enamel
• pale skin that burns easily, inability to tan, thin skin or anaemia
• paranoia and or hallucinations
• poor mental focus and or reading
• poor morning appetite or tendency to skip breakfast
• poor or no dream recall
• seizures
• sweet, fruity breath and body odour
Stressful or traumatic situations, poor diet along with food sensitivies have been shown to exacerbate the severity of symptoms. Overmethylation or undermethylation concurrent with Pyrrole disorder complicates the situation considerably and may require patience, perseverance and above all COMPLIANCE.
Overmethylators suffer from an overproduction of serotonin, dopamine and noradrenaline due to excess methyl groups being donated in the body and may be related to
panic, anxiety, anxious depression, hyperactivity, learning difficulties, lack of motivation, paranoia, hallucinations, chemical or food sensitivies or autism.
Undermethylation will also create complications in treatment and therefore need to be taken into consideration, but, there sometimes is also a cross- over effect between under and Overmethylation but with help from your practitioner balance can be achieved with