During consultations I am often quizzed about the effectiveness of eliminating wheat and grains from our daily diet and increasing vegetables, protein, fruit, nuts, seeds and oils. Current research increasingly shows the detrimental effect that the increased use of wheat and grains has on metabolic function. Dr Perlmutter, a leading American Neurologist has written “The Grain Brain”; an easy read, clinically backed book outlining his findings from over 30 years practice. In short excess carbohydrates and sugar from processed foods, such as bread, pasta, rice, cakes and biscuits results in an excessive amount of glucose that our bodies simply cannot utilise. This crosses the blood brain barrier, causing immeasurable neurological damage.
Many conditions are implicated, including Diabetes, Alzheimer’s, Multiple Sclerosis, ADD & ADHD just to name a few. Abundant literature is available regarding the impact of wheat, grains and also sugar in many conditions, including Insulin Resistance, Auto-immune disorders, such as Rheumatoid Arthritis, Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, Grave’s Disease, just to name a few. Research shows that Gluten appears to have the ability to mimic certain proteins and to make its way into cells, thereafter being implicated in autoimmune conditions. Reproductive symptoms of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome is also linked to Insulin Resistance and is becoming more and more prevalent in today’s society.
In addition, Gluten splits into two protein components, one of which is gliadin. It then moves to the skin where antibodies attach themselves thus producing skin conditions, such as eczema. All grains, including other non-gluten containing grains like oats and corn, have a detrimental effect on our health, because they contain gut irritating lectins and mineral binding phytates. Lectins are naturally occurring substances in plants that act to preserve the plant from overgrazing by animals; they are toxic to both the animal and to humans. Research shows that lectins damage the gut lining by causing inflammation and inhibiting the absorption of nutrients. Lectins are not degraded by stomach acid or proteolytic enzymes, making them virtually resistant to digestion. Microbes carry lectins and use them for attachment to the host cells. Lectins also contribute to leptin resistance, resulting in the suppression of the hunger signal creating feelings of hunger even when the body has consumed enough food to meet its nutritional needs. Phytates are another form of toxin that binds to nutrients making them unavailable for absorption across the small intestine……read more